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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story


rogue one opinion learn english

This film is the start of another saga for Star Wars fans. Confused? The original, old films are numbers 4, 5 & 6. The newer films from the early 2000s are 1, 2 & 3. In 2015 we saw Episode 7. Rogue One is a spin-off (un proyecto derivado de otro) set between episodes 3 & 4 with future films planned.

The story is about Jyn Erso, a girl who joins the Rebellion on a mission to find her father and learn more about the Death Star, a weapon (arma) created by the Empire. It is an exciting action film which keeps you on the edge of your seat (te mantiene en vilo). It has everything a Star Wars fan would want, with a nice mix of old and new characters.

The film has been very successful and is especially poignant (conmovedor) following the death of the actress Carrie Fisher who played Princess Leia in many of the Star Wars films. Next Christmas we will see her in Episode 8 which she had already filmed before she died.

The film lasts just over 2 hours and is recommended for children and adults from 7 years old. The story is dark and a little complicated so not really appropriate for under 12s. You can see it in English with Spanish subtitles at Renoir Floridablanca.

Star Wars vocabulary:

Lightsaber – espada láser

The force – la fuerza

Galaxy – galaxia

Stormtroopers – tropas de asalto

Battle – batalla

Spaceship – nave espacial

Empire – imperio

Alliance – alianza

Rogue - solitario

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